Who says the winter after Christmas gets dull in the Smokies? There are two very popular events worth posting on in just the first week of January.
First is the New Years Eve Ball Drop and Fireworks in downtown Gatlinburg which promises to be one of the biggest parties for miles and miles around. The streets will be filled with party-goers having a great time in the Smokies, listening to the music being played by Pyro-Shows until the big fireworks display at the Space Needle. When the big tower explodes in a storm of fireworks, you'll know it's time to celebrate the New Year!
Next up from there is the Wilderness Wildlife Week in Pigeon Forge on Music Road from January 7-14. This is an event for serious nature lovers and fans of the Smoky Mountains to come and see what the mountains are all about. There will be plenty of indepth lectures, guest speakers, exhibits, demonstrations, vendors and even guided walks that's perfect for kids and adults. You can see more of that at http://www.mypigeonforge.com/events_winterfest_wilderness.aspx.

And you'll be able to get to both in 15 minutes while staying at Sidney James here in Gatlinburg. Stay tuned for more as Winterfest continues on and we look at new special events coming up!